Start Producing Awesome Boudoir Images Today
... and start making money from the photography you love.
The Boudoir Posing and Idea Guide Bundle
This book will help you prepare for and then nail every boudoir session you do.
Just pick the poses that suit your personal style and abilities. There's instructions on available light photography with nothing but your camera and reflector all the way to sophisticated studio lighting shoots.
How ever you shoot, you ll find the information you've been needing right in this book.
The Boudoir Posing and Idea Guide Book
Over 135 pages of sample images, ideas, and instructions to get you started in profitable boudoir photography
Step by Step Manual on How to create stunning Boudoir Images no matter what equipment you own
Each page complete with lighting descriptions, and commentary from Kerry on how the image was crafted.
Now with over 2 Hours of Video - How to shoot Boudoir with Real World Clients
Boudoir samples are often done with sexy models and not with the kind of boudoir client that walks in your door. Now, master photographer Argentina Leyva is going to show you how she photographs a real client who is heavy set.
She'll cover posing, lighting and shooting to produce awesome images the client will love.
Watch all five of the 25 minute videos, over 2 hours in total, as she demonstrates her boudoir technique from start to finish. Right from the time the client arrives at the studio, you'll see how wardrobe is selected, and posing arranged.
And here's two things you won't find anywhere else that are included in this exclusive package.
The Boudoir eBook, the Smart Phone jpgs, the Printable Field Cards and the 2 hours of video in five parts are all available for download immediately on purchase.
Start making your Boudoir Business happen right away.
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Price $17.77