52 Creative Photography Projects
As photographers we can get stale. We do the same photography all the time. We use the same tried and true lighting over and over. We photograph the same things, the same people, and the same locations. No wonder we can burn out and lose our edge.
We at Photography Schoolhouse have come up with a program designed to pump up your game, and put creativity and fun back in your photography business.
It's simple. We need to look at the way we started when we first started out. We were eager to learn, full of ideas, and brimming with ambition. We tried, failed and tried again. Sometimes we created images we were really proud of, only to have them shot down. But it was all part of the learning process. We grew and we learned. Then one day we were able to sell our work and a whole new feeling came over us. We were in business for ourselves.
With that came responsibilities. Paying our expenses, getting new clients, being better than our competition, training employees, paying taxes, dealing with constant upgrades of equipment and software and with luck, making a profit.
But somewhere along the way we lost our passion. Maybe we got stale, or a bit beaten down. We got so involved with running the business that we forgot to have fun at it and keep our creative juices flowing.
So we're here to help. For 52 weeks we're going to present you with creative projects to re-kindle your passion, test your brain, and help you change your photography and put the boots to your competition.
We start January 7, 2014 with this kick off Webinar featuring Travis Gadsby, one of the greatest creative photographers I know and a true leader in the field. Some of his work from last year is simply awesome and inspiring.
So join us. Start 2014 off on a new foot.
Tuesday January 7, 2014 6PM Pacific Time
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