OCT. 12, 2016 – Free Webinar – Get your First 100 or Next 100 Photography Clients



We have to Market or Die

Getting quality new clients today is harder than ever before. We need a strategy - and a good one. And of course, we need some revenue while we build our client list.

For most new studios, once they've exhausted their family and friends they're lost on what to do next. Social media yes, but how do we do that without spending a ton of money? After all, the old days of free marketing on Facebook are pretty much over.

get-photography-clients-studio-customersMostly, it requires work - a lot of it. But how is that different from the way business has always been? Simply put - it hasn't. Starting a new business from scratch has always meant a lot of work. But in the last few years as we thought Social Marketing was the answer to everything - we got lazy.

The truth is we need everything Social marketing can give us and to add a touch of old-school to the mix as well.

Bar none, the best way to sell is to have a personal connection with a potential client. We go out and we find people that have both the ability and intention to spend money with us. Then - we talk to them - you know with like our voice. Not a text message, not a Facebook message, not a Snapchat, Tweet, Instagram, Periscope or anything else. We establish a personal connection by voice. Face to face is even better.

So let's dig in and find out how to do that and get our First 100 or Next 100 clients.


Free Webinar - Get your First 100 or Next 100 Photography Clients

Register here and Join us for free Wednesday Oct. 12, 2016 9PM Eastern Time



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