Get your First 100 Paying Customers in Professional Photography

Get your First 100 Paying Customers in Photography
(or add 100 new ones)


Pump Fresh Energy into your Sales and Excite your Marketget-your-first-100-photography-clients

It's time to give your marketing a shake and fill your sales funnel with all new clients while invigorating your existing ones.

Getting started in professional photography today is harder than ever before. everybody has a camera in their pocket and often the public doesn't see the need to pay a professional. Low barriers to entry have brought thousands of new photographers into what was once an elite area.

If that's true why are so many new photographers blowing the doors of the market?

It's simple. While the business has changed, there are simply dozens of new opportunities to rock the marketplace that just weren't available before. New technologies have let us create products that fit into our clients new digital lifestyle. In fact it's easier and less expensive than ever before to get our message out to new clients and explore markets that were previously unavailable to us.

New times and new challenges require new thinking

It's true. If you're trying to sell photography like you did five years ago you're probably suffering in the pocketbook. New ideas are what's needed to invigorate your new potential clients and reinvigorate your existing ones. New shooting styles, new products and all new marketing is what makes newcomers to the industry zoom past the old timers.

So who is this course for? - If your just starting out this is for you

Get your marketing off on the right foot and avoid common misconceptions. Learn to leverage free marketing opportunities at your fingertips and when it's time to spend - spend wisely. Avoid costly mistakes that can eat up your savings and investment.

Learn how to avoid old-time marketing plans that just don't work anymore. They were good plans - in their day - and many photographers used them well. But they're done like last nights dinner and it's time to move on.

Learn how to get your first 100 paying clients and turn them into fans that tell all their friends about your great photography and service. Then learn how to keep the ball rolling and keep a fresh stream of new clients walking in your door.

 Who else is this course for? - If your an established studio that needs a breath of fresh air - this is for you

Sometimes we need a wakeup call or a kick in the pants. Something to get the creative marketing juices going again. Maybe we need to update our photography, and maybe all we need is a fresh perspective on some old problems. Plan on getting 100 new paying clients to reinvigorate your marketing and your business.


Master the art of building inbound links organically

Don't waste time and effort on paid advertising when you can get miles of results for FREE. Learn when and where to use paid advertising, and only when you're ready for it. You'll learn what types of Social Marketing will work for your studio and how to get it done correctly.


100-BusPortraitKitUse our key business marketing kit to start building your client database

Start taking positive steps to building relationships with new clients while putting money in the bank. Our exclusive key business marketing kit will reach new important contacts in your community that will pay off now and in the future. We'll include our special Customer Relationship Management software and even train you how to use it. Add your existing clients to the system and build a marketing plan that pays off for years.


Customer-Relationship-Management-for-photographersBuild your permanent Customer Relationship Management System

Build a relationship with your clients that lasts for years and helps you remember to communicate with them on special occasions. The best way to maintain a constant stream of revenue is to work with your existing customers while always adding new ones.


customer-referal-program-for-photographersBuild a strong customer referral system

Don't be shy. Design and build a strong referral program that keeps new customers coming in while strengthening your existing relationships.


website-hub-of-your-marketing-150Your website - The Hub of Everything

Learn the true role of your website in growing your business. What designs work to attract new clients and land you the sale. How does your website work with today's mobile devices, and how does it fit in with blogs and social marketing. The website is the key piece of the puzzle in your online presence. But like anything else, there are a lot of ways to get it wrong.


Don't delay - Register now and hold your spot in this Free Photography Business Building Webinar - Wednesday July 9, 6PM Pacific Time


Wednesday July 9, 6PM Pacific Time

We routinely fill up our Webinars and this one is bound to be no exception. So don't wait, reserve your spot now by clicking here

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