Let's Build Stronger Photography Businesses -
Join our free PSH MasterMind Group
... and re-ignite our business passion
Meeting #1 is fully open so you can check it out. After that, only 6 regular attendees will be kept on.
This is the place to work with your piers and get answers to your questions while contributing your own knowledge and experience to the group.
This is an online meeting only. Not a forum or message board.
Regular meetings will be held every other Tuesday night at 9PM EST.
While this first meeting is open to everybody, only 6 attendees will be selected to participate in ongoing meetings.
I may open other groups on other nights if the demand warrants it.
Sign up now, and watch for the confirmation email with the link to the meeting.
(It may take an hour or two. If you don't see it by them check your spam folder.)
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